Library aboard Western Flyer
Original Handwritten List Follows This List
2) Anatomy of the human body. Thoroughly revised and re-‐edited by Warren H. Lewis / Henry Gray. Philadelphia & New York, Lea & Febiger, 1930 *
3) Johnson and Snook's Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coast +
4) Ricketts and Calvin's Between Pacific Tides, 1938 Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA. +
5) Flatteley & Walton. 1922. The Biology of the Seashore. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. Fowler & Allen
6) The Seas. Our Knowledge Of Life In The Sea And How It Is Gained. F. S. Russell and C. M. Yonge, London and New York, F. Warne & co. ltd. [1936]
7) A manual of the common invertebrate animals, exclusive of insects [1935] Thoroughly rev. ed. 974 illustrations. -‐ Philadelphia, P. Blakiston's Son & Co., inc. +
8) The selected poetry of Robinson Jeffers [1938] New York, Random house [c1938]
9) Leaves Of Grass / Walt Whitman; Emory Holloway; Rockwell Kent. New York : Heritage Press; London : Nonesuch Press 1936 +
10) Anthology of World Poetry / Mark Van Doren. New York: Literary Guild Of America, 1928. +
11) Webster's Collegiate Dictionary +
12) Roget's Thesarsus +
13) West coast shells : a description in familiar terms of principal marine, fresh-‐ water, and land mollusks of the United States, British Columbia, and Alaska, found west of the Sierra / Josiah Keep & Joshua Longstreth Baily. Stanford University, Calif., London Stanford University Press ; H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1935
14) Fresh-‐water biology, by Henry Baldwin Ward and George Chandler Whipple with the collaboration of a staff of specialists.
15 -‐17 ) 3 Volume of Boarding (can't decipher)?
18) Heath's Spanish Dictionary?
19) The Bible Of The World / Robert Ballou; Frederic Spiegelberg; Horace L. Friess. New York, The Viking Press, 1939 +
20) Insects of western North America : a manual and textbook for students in colleges and universities and a handbook for county, state and federal / Edward Essig. New York: Macmillan, 1926. +
21-‐22) Walter K Fisher's 3 Volume Set Asteroidea of North Pacific, 1911, 1928, 1930. Bulletin of the US National Museum. Washington, U. S. Govt. Printing Office.
23) Culture methods for invertebrate animals / Paul Simon Galtsoff; Frank Eugene Lutz; Paul S. Welch; James G. Needham & American Association for the Advancement of Science. Ithaca, N.Y., Comstock Publishing Company, Inc., 1937. +
24) The marine decapod Crustacea of California, with special reference to the decapod Crustacea collected by the United States Bureau of Fisheries steamer "Albatross" in connection with the biological survey of San Francisco bay during the years 1912-‐1913, Series: University of California publications in zoology v. 23. By Schmitt, Waldo L. (Waldo Lasalle), 1887-‐1977
25) Hydroids of the Pacific coast of Canada and the United States. C. McLean Fraser.Toronto, The University of Toronto Press, 1937.
26) Sailing Directions for the West Coasts of Mexico and Central America: From the United States to Colombia Including the Gulfs of California and Panama United States. Hydrographic Office U.S. Government Printing Office, 1938 -‐ Pilot guides -‐ 430 pages
Possibly -‐ Animal aggregations, a study in general sociology / W. C. Allee. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1931 (ordered)
Probably -‐ Pocket Atlas (to be ordered) Probably -‐ Human Anatomy (to be ordered)
+ these eleven books require 21" space, about 2" per book
* these may be eliminated
Marine fishes of Southern California / Percy Spencer Barnhart. Berkeley, Calif.,
University of California Press, 1936
de Laubenfels, M. W. (1936) A comparison of the shallow-‐water sponges near the Pacific end of the Panama Canal with those at the Caribbean end. U.S. N.M. 83: 441-‐ 566
de Laubenfels, M. W. 1935b. Some Sponges of Lower California (Mexico). American Museum Novitates 779: 1-‐14.
de Laubenfels, M.W. (1932). The marine and fresh-‐water sponges of California. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 81(2927):1-‐140.
Hedgpeth, Joel W. 1939. Some Pycnogonids Found Off the Coast of Southern California. American Midland Naturalist, Volume 22: 458-‐465.
any available Glassel papers. see p 23, -‐-‐-‐-‐ Gulf of Panama, -‐-‐ and the Straits of Georgia # 59 in the papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition. 1914-‐16 videth Sira Denski Neturhi Forren Koben hawn 91:241-‐346, if available.
Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition, 1914-‐16. Series: Videnskabelige meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i København ; Bd. 69-‐113.
Clark, H. L. 1911 North Pacific ophiurans in the collection of the United States National Museum. Smithsonian institution. United States National museum. Bulletin 75
McClendon, J.F. 1909. The ophiurans of the San Diego region. Berkeley, The University of California Press.
Zimmer, C. 1936. California Crustacea of the Order Cumacea. Proceedings of the United States National Museum.
McFarland, Frank Mace. 1924 Opisthobranchiate mollusca [San Francisco] : California Academy of Sciences.
MacGinitie, G. E. 1939. Littoral marine communities. American Midland Naturalist , 2128-‐55.
MacGinitie, G. E. 1935. Ecological aspects of a California marine estuary. American Midland Naturalist , 16629-‐765.
Hewatt, W. G. 1937. Ecological studies on selected marine intertidal communities of Monterey Bay, California. American Midland Naturalist , 18161-‐206.
Keen, Myra. SU Press. Photolith 88?
Keen, Myra and Frizzell, Don L. 1939. Illustrated key to west North American pelecypod genera. Stanford University, Calif., Stanford university press; London, H. Milford, Oxford university press
Ritter, W. and R. Forsyth. 1917. Ascidians of the littoral zone of southern California. University of California Publications in Zoology 16: 439-‐512.