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Te Vega Cruise #14

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Dates Spring Mar-Jun 1967

Chief Scientist John J. Goering
Senior Scientists Carl Boyd, Robert H. Loomis
Junior Scientists William Baribault, Winifred A. Ford, Yolanda Leonard, Coleman Levenson, Timothy Newcomb, Geraldine Olson, Richard J. Perkins, Gotthard Schussler, Gary Silberstein, Allen D. Spencer Jr.
Teaching Assistants
Marine Technicians
Captain Harry W. Perdue
Ports of call Acapulco to Monterey [via Mazatlan, Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, Long Beach]

Narrative (proposed research & summary)

Te Vega Cruise #14 Binder - Physical Data (Reduced)

Physical Data = Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia & Silicate

Te Vega Cruise #14 Binder -Trawl Data (Raw)


Childress, J. J. (1968) Oxygen minimum layer: vertical distribution and respiration of the mysid Gnathophausia ingens. Science 160:1242-1243. SOE CRUISE 14

Childress, J. J. (1968) The respiratory physiology of the oxygen minimum layer mysid Gnathophausia ingens. Ph. D. dissertation, Stanford University, Stanford, 142 pp. SOE CRUISE 14

Childress, J. J. (1969) The respiration of deep-sea crustaceans as related to their depth of occurrence and the oxygen minimum layer.  American Zoologist 9(4) 222. CRUISE 14

Goering, J. J., Wallen, D.  D. and Nauman,  R.  M. (1970)  Nitrogen  Uptake  By  Phytoplankton  In  The Discontinuity  Layer  Of  The  Eastern Subtropical Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography 15 (5) 789-796.  SOE CRUISE 14

Goering, J. J. (1968) Denitrification in the oxygen minimum layer of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.  Deep Sea Research 15:157-164. SOE CRUISE 14

Levenson, Coleman (1968) Characteristics of Scattering Layers in the O2 Minimum Region of the Eastern Tropical Pacific and their Relation to Biological and Chemical Parameters. Informal report. Full Text : SOE CRUISE 14

MacIsaac, J. J. (1967) Ammonia determinations by two methods in the northeast equatorial Pacific Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography. 12 (3) 552-554. SOE CRUISE 14


Text file of Lat/Long values












Baribault, William (1967) Preliminary report on zooplankton excretion.
Baribault, William (1967) Nitrogen excretory products in the limpet Acmaea (Mollusca:Gastropoda:Prosobranchia)
Ford, W. Antoinette (1967) A study of the carbon composition of Euphasids off the West coast of Mexico and the Gulf of California.
Levenson, Coleman (1967)  Characteristics of scattering layers in the Oxygen minimum layers of the Eastern Tropical Pacific and their relation to Biological and Physical parameters.
Newcomb, Timothy W., Olson, Geraldine L  and Schussler, Gotthard  W. ( 1967) A study of diurnal fluctuations and concentration variations of common plankton pigments.
Newcomb, Timothy W.  (1967) A survey of interspecific competition between members of the Family Mycophidae which occur in the Oxygen Minimum Zone, as determined by the MacArthur “Stick Model”
Olson, Geraldine L (1967) The distribution of Ceratium off Western Mexico.
Perkins, R. J.  (1967)  C14 Method of measuring production.
Schussler, Gotthard  W. (1967) Measurements of N15 labeled Nitrate, Ammonia and Urea Uptake by Phytoplankton in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.