Te Vega Cruise #5
Dates Fall Oct-Dec 1964
Chief Scientist Donald P. Abbott
Senior Scientists Margaret Bradbury, Richard V. Bovbjerg
Junior Scientists Richard T. Barber, Vicki M. Buchsbaum, Jay P. Christofferson, Jeanne G. Christofferson, R. Merrill McPhearson, John C. Ogden, Sharon J. Proctor, Paul M. Stromborg Jr., Leighton R. Taylor Jr., John P. Wourms, Michael J. Wynne
Teaching Assistants Richard N. Mariscal
Marine Technicians
Captain Jack Thomsen
Doctor Wesley Fielding
Ports of call Mombasa, Kenya to Singapore [via Victoria, Seychelles; Mali, Maldives; Colombo, Ceylon; Phuket, Thailand & Thai islands; Penang, Malaysia]
Summary Report
Te Vega Cruise #5 Binder
Cruise itinerary, cruise map, general narrative, Letter from Don Abbott to Rolf Bolin, Trawl Graphs, station reports = biological data (handwritten)
Bourdon, R. (1967) Sur deux nouveaux Epicarides (Isopoda) parasites de Crustaces Decapodes. Zool. Meded., 42 (17): 167-174, text-figs. 1-5. SOE CRUISE 5
Bradbury M. G., D. P. Abbot, R. V. Bovbjerg, R. N. Mariscal, W. C. Fielding, R. T. Barber, W. B. Pearse, S. J. Proctor, J. C. Ogden, J. P. Wourms, L. R. Taylor, Jr, J. G. Christofferson, J. P.Christofferson, R. M. Mcphearson, M. J. Wynne and P. M. Stromberg Jr. (1971) Studies on the fauna associated with the deep scattering layers in the equatorial Indian Ocean, conducted on R/V TE VEGA during October and November 1964. In: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Biological Sound Scattering in the Ocean, G. B. Farouhar, Maury Center for Ocean Science, Report No. MC'005, pp. 409-452. 1964. SOE CRUISE 5
Castro, P. (1989) Range Extensions And New Host Records of Eumedonid Crabs of The Genus Harrovia Adams & White, 1848 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Eumedonidae). Crustaceana. 57 (1) 97-100. SOE CRUISE 5
Mariscal, R. N., (1965) Observations on acclimation behavior in the symbiosis of anemone fish and sea anemones, Am. Zoologist 5(4): 694. SOE CRUISE 5
Mariscal, R. N. (1970) The nature of the symbiosis between Indo-Pacific anemone fishes and sea anemones. Marine Biology 6, 58-65. SOE CRUISE 5
Pearse, Vicki Buchsbaum, Ogden, John C. and Proctor , Sharon J. (2016) An Experiment in Graduate Education: A Marine Science Adventure Across The Indian Ocean. Special Issue: Graduate Education In The Ocean Sciences. Oceanography 29 (1) 90-97 SOE CRUISE 5
Wourms, J. P. and Bayne, O. (1973) Development of the Viviparous Brotulid Fish, Dinematichthys ilucoeteoides. Copeia, 1973 (1) 32-40. SOE CRUISE 5
Wynne, M.J. (1970) À propos d'un genre nouveau, Rhodolachne (Rhodomelaceae), de l'Océan Indien. Compte Rendu Hebdomadaire des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences. Paris. Série D 270: 1780-1782, 10 figs. SOE CRUISE 5
Wynne, M.J. (1970) Remarks on the genus Rhodolachne (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales). Revue Algologie, N.S., 10: 92-98. SOE CRUISE 5
Wynne, M. J. (1993) Benthic marine algae from the Maldives, Indian Ocean, collected during the R/V Te Vega Expedition. Contributions from the Herbarium of the University of Michigan 19: 5-30. SOE CRUISE 5
Wynne, M. J. (1995) Benthic marine algae from the Seychelles, Indian Ocean, collected during the R/V Te Vega Expedition. Contributions from the Herbarium of the University of Michigan 20: 261-346. SOE CRUISE 5

Yellow dots are cruise #5
Purple are cruise #4
Green are cruise #3
Orange are cruise #2
Map drawn by participants: