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The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory (1892-1917)

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1.    San Francisco Call. (1897). Summer School of Natural History Opens at the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. June 8, 1897.

2.    Stanford University Bulletin Sixth Series, No. 56 December 31, 1937 For The Forty- Sixth Academic Year ending August 31, 1937.


3.    Agassiz, Louis. (1847). Introduction to the Study of Natural History. New York, NY: Greeley & McElrath.

4.    Ibid

5.    Ibid

6.    Ibid

7.    Agassiz, Louis. (1857). Essay on Classification: Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America, Vol. I, Part I.  Boston.

8.    Agassiz, Louis. (1847). Introduction to the Study of Natural History. New York, NY: Greeley and McElrath.

9.    Jordan, David Starr. (1993). Agassiz, (Jean) Louis (Rodolphe). In: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago, IL. The University of Chicago Press. 1:141-142

10.    Ibid

11.    Pauly, Philip J. (2000). Biologists and the promise of American life: from Meriwether Lewis to Alfred Kinsey. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

12.    Croce, Paul Jerome. (1995). Science and Religion in the Era of William James, Volume 1, Eclipse of Certainty, 1820–1880. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

13.    Feuer, Lewis Samuel. (1963). The Scientific Intellectual: The Psychological and Sociological Origins of Modern Science. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

14.    Croce, Paul Jerome. (1995). Science and Religion in the Era of William James, Volume 1, Eclipse of Certainty, 1820–1880. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

15.    Tharp, L. H. (1959). Adventurous Alliance: The Story of the Agassiz Family of Boston. Boston, MA: Little, Brown And Company.

16.    Lurie, Edward. (1988). Louis Agassiz: A Life in Science. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

17.    Mareou, J. (1896). Life and Letters of Louis Agassiz. Vol. 2. New York, NY: Macmillan and Company.

18.    Ibid

19.    Ibid

20.    Jordan, David Starr. (1892). Science Sketches. Agassiz at Penikese. Chicago, IL: A. C. McClurg and Company.

21.    Ibid

22.    Lurie, Edward. (1988). Louis Agassiz: A Life in Science. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

23.    Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology. (1873). An Account of the Organization and Progress of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, In Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cambridge, MA: Welch, Bigelow and Co., University Press.

24.    Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot Cary. (1885). Louis Agassiz: His Life And Correspondence. Boston, MA and New York, NY: Houghton, Mifflin and Company.

25.    Ibid

26.    Tappan, Eva March. (1921). Heroes of progress: stories of successful Americans. Boston ; New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company.

27.    Harvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology. (1873). An account of the organization and progress of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Welch, Bigelow and Company, University Press.

28.    Agassiz, George Russell. (1913). Letters and Recollections of Alexander Agassiz: with a Sketch of His Life And Work.  Houghton, Mifflin and Company.

29.    Wallace, Alfred Russell. (1887). American Museums. The Museum Of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. The Fortnightly Review, Volume 48. London, England: Chapman and Hall.

30.    Agassiz, Louis. (1872). Address to the California Academy of Science in Response to an Introduction. Regular Meeting. Proceedings California Academy of Science, Volume 4 p 253. Sept. 2, 1872 San Francisco.

31.    Agassiz, George Russell. (1913). Letters and Recollections of Alexander Agassiz: with a Sketch of His Life And Work.  Houghton, Mifflin and Company.

32.    Saettler, L.P. (1990). The Evolution Of American Educational Technology. Englewood, NJ: Libraries Unlimited Inc.

33.    Tozzer, Alfred M. (1935). Biographical memoir of Frederic Ward Putnam, 1839– 1915. In William Trelease (ed.). Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. XVI – 4th Memoir. Presented to the Academy at the annual meeting, 1933. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

34.    Cooper, L. A. (1885). Louis Agassiz as a Teacher. From E. C. Agassiz, Louis Agassiz his Life and Correspondence. Boston, MA: Houghton, Mifflin and Company

35.    Ibid

36.    Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory. (2005). Nature, Not Books: Scientists and the Origins of the Nature-Study Movement in the 1890s.  Isis. 96 (3) 324-352.

37.    Jordan, David Starr. (1892). Science Sketches. Agassiz at Penikese. Chicago, IL: A. C. McClurg and Company.

38.    Willoughby, Westel W. (1894). History of Summer Schools in the United States, Bureau of Education, Report, 1891-92, Vol. II: 893-959, Washington DC Government Printing Office.

39.    Benson, Keith R. (1988). Why American marine stations? The teaching argument. American Zoologist 28:7-14.

40.    Ibid

41.    Levin, Miriam R. (2005). Defining women's scientific enterprise: Mount Holyoke faculty and the rise of American science. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.

42.    Wilder, Burt G. (1898). Agassiz at Penikese. The American Naturalist. 32 (375) 189- 196.

43.    Willoughby, Westel W. (1894). History of Summer Schools in the United States, Bureau of Education, Report, 1891-92, Vol. II: 893-959, Washington DC Government Printing Office.

44.    Levin, Miriam R. (2005). Defining women's scientific enterprise: Mount Holyoke faculty and the rise of American science. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.

45.    Johnson, Richard I. (2009). Dwight Blaney and William Procter on the Molluscan Faunas of Frenchman Bay and Ironbound Island, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 16 (4) 1- 39.

46.    Benson, Keith R. (1988). Why American marine stations? The teaching argument. American Zoologist 28:7-14.

47.    Maienschein, J. (1985). Agassiz, Hyatt, Whitman, and the Birth of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Biological Bulletin. 168 (suppl.) 26-34.

48.    Mareou, J. (1896). Life and Letters of Louis Agassiz. Vol. 2. New York, NY: Macmillan and Company.

49.    Wilder, Burt G. (1907). What We Owe to Agassiz. Popular Science Monthly. 71:10.

50.    Conklin, Edwin Grant. (1927). The beginning of biology at Woods Hole Laboratory at Penikese forerunner of M. B. L.  Collecting Net.  2(2) 1, 3, 6 and (3):7.

51.    Jordan, David Starr. (1892). Science Sketches. Agassiz at Penikese. Chicago, IL: A. C. McClurg and Company.

52.    Benson, Keith R. (1988b). Laboratories on the New England Shore: The 'Somewhat Different Direction' of American Marine Biology.  New England Quarterly, 61 (1) 55-78.

53.    Ibid.

54.    Benson, Keith R. (1988). Why American marine stations? The teaching argument. American Zoologist 28:7-14.

55.    Jordan, David Starr. (1893). Science and the Colleges. The Popular Science Monthly. 42 (49) 721-734.


1.    Wylie, Theophilus Adam (1890). Indiana University : Its History From 1820, When Founded, To 1890 : With Biographical Sketches of Its Presidents, Professors and Graduates : and a List of its Students From 1820 To 1887. Indianapolis : Wm. B. Burford.

2.    Jordan, David Starr (1922) The days of a man: being memories of a naturalist, teacher, and minor prophet of democracy. Volumes 1-2. World Book Company. Yonkers-on the Hudson. New York.

3.    Wylie, Theophilus Adam (1890). Indiana University : Its History From 1820, When Founded, To 1890 : With Biographical Sketches of Its Presidents, Professors and Graduates : and a List of its Students From 1820 To 1887. Indianapolis : Wm. B. Burford.

4.    Jordan, David Starr (1922) The days of a man: being memories of a naturalist, teacher, and minor prophet of democracy. Volumes 1-2. World Book Company. Yonkers-on the Hudson. New York.

5.    Wylie, Theophilus Adam (1890). Indiana University : Its History From 1820, When Founded, To 1890 : With Biographical Sketches of Its Presidents, Professors and Graduates : and a List of its Students From 1820 To 1887. Indianapolis : Wm. B. Burford.

6.    Ibid.

7.    Burns, Edward McNall (1953). David Starr Jordan: Prophet of Freedom. Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press.

8.    Jordan, David Starr (1922) The days of a man: being memories of a naturalist, teacher, and minor prophet of democracy. Volumes 1-2. World Book Company. Yonkers-on the Hudson. New York.

9.    Ibid.

10.    Ibid.

11.    Russell, Issac. (1910).  David Starr Jordan. The American Magazine. 70: 176-178.

12.    Ibid

13.    Ibid.

14.    Jordan, David Starr, (1893) Science and the Colleges. The Popular science monthly. 42 (49) 721-734.

15.    Ibid.

16.    Dunn, Richard J. (1996). Charles H. Gilbert, Pioneer Ichthyologist and Fishery Biologist. Marine Fisheries Review. 58:1-2.

17.    Gilbert Icthyological Society. Charles Henry Gilbert. Retrieved on April 10, 2013 from

18.    Jordan, David Starr. (1928). Charles Henry Gilbert. Science. 67 (1748) 644-645.

19.    Jenkins, Olaf Pitt (1975).  Early Days Memoirs. Ballena Press, Ramona, CA.

20.    Ibid.

21.    Ibid.

22.    Ibid.

23.    Ibid.

24.    Rossiter Johnson, John Howard Brown eds. (1904). The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans: Jenkins, Oliver Peeble. Volume VI. Biographical Society.

25.    Wilbur, R. L. (1960). The Memoirs of Ray Lyman Wilbur, 1875-1949. Stanford University Press.


1.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles.  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

2.    Elliott, Orrin Leslie (1937). Stanford University - The First Twenty Five Years 1891- 1925. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

3.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles. (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

4.    Jordan, D. S. (1887). The Sea Fishing Grounds of the Pacific Coast of the United States from the Straits of Fuca to Lower California. In Goode, G. B., ed. The Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the U. S. Section III. Washington. (1887). Pp.79-80. In U. S. 47th Congress, 1st Session Senate Misc. Doc. 124. Serial 2000.

5.    San Francisco Call. (1891). School of Methods. 8 July 1891. 70 (38) 8.

6.    Benson, Keith R. (1988). Why American marine stations? The teaching argument. American Zoologist 28:7-14

7.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles.  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

8.    Young, Betty Lou and Young, Thomas R. (2006). Frontier Chautauqua: The Chautauqua Movement on the Pacific Coast. Pacific Palisades. Casa Vieja Press.

9.    Leland Stanford Junior University. Third Annual Register 1893-1894. Palo Alto, California. Published by the University, April 1894.

10.    Kellogg, V. L. (1899). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. The American Naturalist. 33 (392) 629-634.

11.    Leland Stanford Junior University. First Annual Register 1891-1892. Palo Alto, California Published by the University 1892.

12.    Ibid.

13.    Dean, Bashford (1897). A Californian Marine Biological Station. Natural Science. 11 (65) 28-35.

14.    Ibid.

15.    Elliott, Orrin Leslie (1937). Stanford University - The First Twenty Five Years 1891- 1925. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.


1.    Howard, Donald M. (1999). The Old Pacific Grove Retreat: A Business-Biography History, 1875-1940, [s.n.]: Monterey Peninsula Historiography Press : Donald Howard

2.    Salinas Weekly Index, Thursday, June 2nd 1892

3.    Letter of Correspondence, April 28, 1936. [Quoted by permission of the Harold A. Miller Library, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University.]

4.    The Leland Stanford Junior University Second Annual Register 1892-1893

5.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

6 Doflein, Franz. (1900). Von den Antillen zum fernen Westen: reiseskizzen eines naturforschers.  XII. Kapitel Die Meeresfauna von Kalifornien.

7.    Howard, Donald M. (1999). The Old Pacific Grove Retreat: A Business-Biography History, 1875-1940, [s.n.]: Monterey Peninsula Historiography Press : Donald Howard, 1999.

8.    Jordan, David Starr (1892). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Science.  20 (496) 76-77.

9.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

10.    Madden, A.G. (1898). The Marine Biological Laboratory at Pacific Grove. The Overland Monthly 27: 208 -215.

11.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

12.    Ibid.

13.    Elliott, Orrin Leslie (1937). Stanford University - The First Twenty Five Years 1891- 1925. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

14.    Ibid.

15.    Ibid.

16.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

17.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63

18.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

19.    Seavey, Kent. (2005). Pacific Grove. Arcadia Publishing.

20.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63

21.    Dean, Bashford (1897). A Californian Marine Biological Station. Natural Science. 11 (65) 28-35.

22.    Madden, A.G. (1898). The Marine Biological Laboratory at Pacific Grove. The Overland Monthly 27: 208 -215.

23.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

24.    Davis, B. M. (1895). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory at Pacific Grove. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, Ind. Volume 59, Indiana Academy of Science.

25.    Jordan, David Starr (1892b). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Science. 20 (496) 76- 77.

26.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

27.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

28.    Ibid.

29.    Madden, A.G. (1898). The Marine Biological Laboratory at Pacific Grove. The Overland Monthly 27: 208 -215.

30.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

31.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

32.    Madden, A.G. (1898). The Marine Biological Laboratory at Pacific Grove. The Overland Monthly 27: 208 -215.


1.    Jordan, David Starr. (1922 The days of a man: being memories of a naturalist, teacher, and minor prophet of democracy, Volume 2. World Book Company. Yonkers on Hudson New York.

2.    Gale Encyclopedia of US History: Marine Biology

3.    Anton Dohrn (Wikipedia).

4.    Stanford, HMS Bulletin, 1892.

5.    Jenkins, Oliver Pebbles.  (1893). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Zoe, 4: 58-63.

6.    Benson, Keith R. (2002). Summer Camp, Seaside Station, and Marine Laboratory: Marine BIology and Its Institutional Identity. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Volume 32 Pt 1:11-8.

7.    Tremblay, E. A. (2003): Rachel Carson: Author/ecologist (Women in Science). Chelsea House Publication.

8.    Seward Source: California Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Mar., 1938), pp. 28-40 Published by: California Historical Society).

9.    Gilbert, Benjamin Franklin- Pioneers for One Hundred Years. San Jose Ste College, 1857-1957

10.    Cloud, Roy Walter (1952). Education in California: Leaders, Organizations, and Accomplishments of the First Hundred Years. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

11.    Santa Clara County Office of Education: County Superintendents. Retrieved on January 24, 2014 from

12.    Schmuck, Patricia A. (1987). Women educators: employees of schools in Western countries.  Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, ©.

13.    California Fish and Game (1959). Norman B. Scofield. In Memoriam State of California, Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game. 45 (1) 60.

14.    Fisher, W. K. (1930-1931). Annual Report Of The President, Stanford University. Office of the President. 1930-1931).

15.    Radcliffe, Jane. Biological Sketch of Alvin Seal (1871-1958). California Academy of Science. Retrieve on January 13, 2014 from…

16.    Sanborn Map (1914)

17.    Ayers, Howard. (1894). Bdellostoma Dombeyi Lac. Biological Lectures Delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl. Summer Sessions of 1893 and 1894. Boston: Ginn & Company.

18.    Elliott, Orrin Leslie (1937). Stanford University - The First Twenty Five Years 1891- 1925. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

19.    Harris, R. G. (1931). The Marine Biological Laboratory at Cold Springs Harbor. The Collecting Net.  [Woods Hole, Mass.,] 6 (1) 1-6.

20.    Leland Stanford Junior University.  (Stanford Annual Report, 1893).

21.    Dean, Bashford. (1897). A Californian Marine Biological Station. Natural Science. 11 (65) 28-35.

22.    Bulletin From The Laboratories of Natural History of the State University of Iowa Volume III; Part I, Narrative of Bahama Expedition by Charles Cleveland Nutting on page 201. (1896)


1.    Madden, A.G. (1898). The Marine Biological Laboratory at Pacific Grove. The Overland Monthly 27: 208 -215.

2.    Kellogg, V. L. (1899). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. The American Naturalist 33(392) 629-634.

3.    Jordan, D. S. (1887). The Sea Fishing Grounds of the Pacific Coast of the United States from the Straits of Fuca to Lower California. In Goode, G. B., ed. The Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the U. S. Section III. Washington. (1887). Pp.79-80. In U. S. 47th Congress, 1st Session Senate Misc. Doc. 124. Serial 2000.

4.    Jordan, David Starr. (1892). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Science. 20 (496) 76-77.

5.    Dean, Bashford. (1897). A Californian Marine Biological Station. Natural Science. 11 (65) 28-35.

6.    Madden, A.G. (1898). The Marine Biological Laboratory at Pacific Grove. The Overland Monthly 27: 208 -215.

7.    Kellogg, V. L. (1899). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. The American Naturalist 33 (392) 629-634.

8.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

9.    Lee, L. L. (2006). History Rewritten: The Story of Quock Mui Jeung. UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal.  11:75

10.    Ibid.

11.    Chen, Jack. (1980). The Chinese of America. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

12.    Lee, L. L. (2006). History Rewritten: The Story of Quock Mui Jeung. UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal.  11:75

13.    Chen, Jack. (1980). The Chinese of America. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

14.    Yung, Judy. (1986). Chinese Women of America: A Pictorial History. Seattle and London. University of Washington Press.

15.    Lee, L. L. (2006). History Rewritten: The Story of Quock Mui Jeung. UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal. 11:75

16.    Ibid.

17.    San Francisco Evening Bulletin (1888).  Monterey. October 12, 1888. 67 (5) 1.

18.    Jordan, D. S. (1887). The Sea Fishing Grounds of the Pacific Coast of the United States from the Straits of Fuca to Lower California. In Goode, G. B., ed. The Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the U. S. Section III. Washington. (1887). Pp.79-80. In U. S. 47th Congress, 1st Session Senate Misc. Doc. 124. Serial 2000.

19.    Holder, Charles Frederick and Jordan, David Starr. (1909). Fish stories alleged and experienced: with a little history natural and unnatural. New York, H. Holt and Company.

20.    Holland, Nicholas D. (2007). Hagfish embryos again—the end of a long drought. BioEssays. 29 (9) 833-836.

21.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

22.    Ayers, Howard. (1894). Bdellostoma Dombeyi Lac. Biological Lectures Delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl. Summer Sessions of 1893 and 1894. Boston: Ginn & Company.

23.    Dean, Bashford. (1899). On the embryology of Bdellostoma stouti. A general account of myxinoid development from the egg and segmentation to hatching. In Festschrift zum 70ten Geburststag Carl von Kupffer 220–276 (Gustav Fischer, Jena).

24.    Holland, Nicholas D. (2007) Hagfish embryos again—the end of a long drought. BioEssays, 29 (9) 833-836.

25.    Doflein F. (1899). Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Bdellostoma stouti Lock. Verh Deutsche zool Gesellsch 1899: 21–30

26.    Doflein, Franz. (1900). Von den Antillen zum fernen Westen: reiseskizzen eines naturforschers.  XII. Kapitel Die Meeresfauna von Kalifornien.

27.    Dean, Bashford. (1903). An Outline of the Development of a Chimaeroid. The Biological Bulletin. By Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.) 4 (5): 270- 286.

28.    Dean, Bashford. (1904). Notes on Japanese Myxinoids With 1 plate Publ Jan 28th 1904 The Journal Of The College Of Science, Imperial University Of Tokyo, Vol. 19. Published By The University.  Tokyo, Japan.

29.    MacFarland, F. M. (1902). The Hopkins Seaside Laboratory. Journal of Applied Microscopy and Laboratory Methods. 5 (7) 1869-1875.

30.    Greene, C. W. (1925). Notes on the Olfactory and Other Physiological Reactions of the California Hagfish.  Science. 61 (1568) 68-70.

31.    Dean, Bashford. (1904). Notes on Japanese Myxinoids With 1 plate Publ Jan 28th 1904 The Journal Of The College Of Science, Imperial University Of Tokyo, Vol. 19. Published By The University.  Tokyo, Japan.

32.    Gregory, William K. (1930). The Bashford Dean Memorial Volume: Archaic Fishes In: The Bashford Dean Memorial Volume : Archaic Fishes / edited by Eugene Willis Gudger.

33.    Dean, Bashford. (1906). Chimæroid Fishes and Their Development. The Carnegie Institution Of Washington, Washington DC Publication 32: 1-194

34.    Dean, Bashford; Harrington, Nathan R; Calkins, Gary N; Griffin, Bradney B. (1897). The Columbia University Zoological Expedition of 1896 With a Brief Account of the Work of Collecting in Puget Sound and on the Pacific Coast, Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences: New York Academy of Sciences, New York. 16:33-42.

35.    Dean, Bashford. (1903). An Outline of the Development of a Chimaeroid. The Biological Bulletin. By Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, Mass.) 4 (5): 270- 286.

36.    Wilbur, R. L. (1960). The Memoirs of Ray Lyman Wilbur, 1875-1949. Stanford, California. Stanford University Press.

37.    Ibid.

38.    Ibid.

39.    Lydon, Sandy (2008) Chinese Gold. Capitola, California. Capitola Book Company. 40.Ibid.
41.    Ibid.

42.    The Evening News, San Jose California. (1907). Lone Occupant of Chinatown. May 16, 1907.

43.    Wilbur, R. L. (1960). The Memoirs of Ray Lyman Wilbur, 1875-1949. Stanford University Press.

44.    Epel, David. (1992). Stanford-By-The-Sea. Hopkins Marine Station Centennial: Sandstone & Tile.  Stanford Historical Society.  16 (4) 3-11.

45.    Loeb, Jacques. (1900). On artificial parthenogenesis in sea urchins. Science, New Series11 (277): 612–614.

46.    Spath, Susan B. (1999). C.B. Van Niel and the Culture of Microbiology, 1920–1965. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Berkeley.

47.    Ritter, William E. (1915). The Biological Laboratories Of The Pacific Coast The Popular Science Monthly, Popular Science Publishing Company. 86:223-232.


1.    Letter from the Directors Charles Henry Gilbert and Oliver Peeble Jenkins to David Starr Jordan. February 22, 1905. . [Quoted by permission of the Harold A. Miller Library, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University.]

2.    Ibid.

3.    Letter written by George C. Price, then Emeritus Professor of Zoology, Stanford University, to Walter K. Fisher, then Professor of Zoology, and then Director of the Hopkins Marine Station. August 15, 1934. . [Quoted by permission of the Harold A. Miller Library, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University.]

4.    Hopkins Marine Station, 1918-19; Leland Stanford Junior University Bulletin Third Series Number 2, March 1, 1918.

5.    Ritter, William E. (1914). Popular science monthly and world's advance: The Biological Laboratories Of The Pacific Coast.  86:226  (Volume 86 - Page 226)

6.    Letter written by George C. Price, then Emeritus Professor of Zoology, Stanford University, to Walter K. Fisher, then Professor of Zoology, and then Director of the Hopkins Marine Station. August 15, 1934. . [Quoted by permission of the Harold A. Miller Library, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University.]

7.    Leland Stanford Junior University. Annual Report of the President, 1904-1905.

8.    Leland Stanford Junior University. Annual Report of the President, Stanford University. Office of the President. 1909.

9.    Clifford, Geraldine Jonçich. (1989). Lone Voyagers: Academic Women In Coeducational Universities, 1870-1937. New York : Feminist Press at the City University of New York : Distributed by the Talman Co.

10.    Leland Stanford Junior University. Annual Report of the President, Stanford University. Office of the President. 1916.

11.    Leland Stanford Junior University. Annual Report of the President, Stanford University. Office of the President. 1917.

12.    Fisher, W. K. (1918). The New Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University. Science.  47 (1217): 410-412.

13.    Charles Wilson Greene to Walter K. Fisher. Letter of Correspondence, April 28, 1936. [Quoted by permission of the Harold A. Miller Library, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University.]


1.    Memorial Resolution George Clinton Price (1860 – 1950). Retrieved on May 17, 2013 from

2.    Memorial Resolution Frank Mace Macfarland (1869-1951). Retrieved on May 17, 2013 from

3.    Memorial Resolution Harold Heath (1868 – 1951). Retrieved on May 17, 2013 from

4.    Memorial Resolution Clara S. Stoltenberg (1865 – 1950). Retrieved on May 17, 2013 from

5.    Lewis, Oscar. (1938). The big four: the story of Huntington, Stanford, Hopkins, and Crocker, and of the building of the Central Pacific. New York, London, A.A. Knopf.

6.    Durrell, Harold Clarke. (1936). Memoirs of Deceased Members of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 90:167-194.

7.    Lewis, Oscar. (1938). The big four: the story of Huntington, Stanford, Hopkins, and Crocker, and of the building of the Central Pacific. New York, London, A.A. Knopf.

8.    Lewis, Oscar. (1938). The big four: the story of Huntington, Stanford, Hopkins, and Crocker, and of the building of the Central Pacific. New York, London, A.A. Knopf.

9.    Staiger, Steve. (1999). Timothy Hopkins: The ironic journey of Palo Alto's founder. Palo Alto Weekly Online Edition, Wednesday Apr 28, 1999.

10.    Hall, Henry. (1896). America's Successful Men of Affairs: The United States at large. New York : New York Tribune.

11.    The Stanford Quad, Volume 7, Stanford University, 1901

12.    Lewis, Oscar. (1938). The big four: the story of Huntington, Stanford, Hopkins, and Crocker, and of the building of the Central Pacific. New York, London, A.A. Knopf.

13.    Staiger, Steve. 1999. Timothy Hopkins: The ironic journey of Palo Alto's founder. Palo Alto Weekly Online Edition, Wednesday Apr 28, 1999.

14.    Lewis, Oscar. (1938). The big four: the story of Huntington, Stanford, Hopkins, and Crocker, and of the building of the Central Pacific. New York, London, A.A. Knopf.

15.    Ehrman, Sidney M. (1936). Timothy Hopkins, 1859–1936. California Historical Society Quarterly. 15:97-98.

16.    Ibid.

17.    Staiger, Steve. (1999). Timothy Hopkins: The ironic journey of Palo Alto's founder. Palo Alto Weekly Online Edition, Wednesday Apr 28, 1999.

18.    The Stanford Quad, Volume 7, Stanford University, 1901

19.    Ibid

20.    Staiger, Steve. (1999). Timothy Hopkins: The ironic journey of Palo Alto's founder. Palo Alto Weekly Online Edition, Wednesday Apr 28, 1999.

21.    The Stanford Quad, Volume 7, Stanford University, 1901

22.    Durrell, Harold Clarke. (1936). Memoirs of Deceased Members of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. New England Historical and Genealogical Register
90 (April): 167-194.

23.    Monterey Peninsula Herald (1949). Hopkins Marine Station. August 27, 1949.