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Austin Phelps

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Austin Phelps


After leaving Hopkins went to the University of Texas at Austin


Phelps A. Growth of protozoa in pure culture. III. Effect of temperature upon the division rate 1946 Journal of Experimental Zoology volume 102 issue 3 277-292

Phelps A. 1937 Variation in silicate content of water in Monterey Bay, California during 1932,33,34. Trans.Amer. Philosoph. Soc. , NS 29:153

Phelps A. Growth of Protozoa in pure culture. II. Effect upon the growth curve of different concentrations of nutrient materials 1936 Journal of Experimental Zoology volume 72 issue 3 479-496

Phelps A. Growth of protozoa in pure culture. I. Effect upon the growth curve of the age of the inoculum and of the amount of the inoculum 1935 Journal of Experimental Zoology volume 70 issue 1 109-130

Phelps A. 1934 Studies on the nutrition of paramecium Arch. Prokistenkunde. v. 82 pp. 134-163