John Pearse
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Below find a list of items John Pearse contributed to the Harold A. Miller Library of Hopkins Marine Station. Over the years, Dr. Pearse contributed numerous items for accessioning into the library collection. Those gifts of John Pease that were chosen to be added to collection included items held by few, if any other libraries, and items not available online.

- The adaptive significance of aggregation and hermaphroditism in the sessile gastropod Serpulorbis squamigerus/B. V. Nelson 1982
HOPKINS STACKS RC883 .N45 1982 STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC, Los Angeles (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "My sincerest thanks got to the member sof my dissertation committee, Martin L. Cody, Jared M. Diamond, James G. Morin, John S. Pearse, Thomas A. Ronan, and Richard R. Vance.....I am thankful to Rick Vance, Jim Morin and John Pearse for willingly undertaking the time consuming task of reviewing and correcting the technical and grammatical mishaps of my thesis." - An analysis of the environmental factors which influence gametogenesis, spawning, and nutrient storage in the sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (Brandt, 1835)/B. Jennison University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1977., 1977
HOPKINS QL377 .C7 J465 1977A STKS PH. D. Thesis, UC, Berkeley. (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: Dr. John S. Pearse provided critical help with specific aspects of the data analysis. - Anatomy, systematics, and evolution of brooding acmaeid limpets/D. R. Lindberg 1983
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.5 .A26 L562 1983 STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: I am grateful and indebted to: John S. Pearse for his guidance, support and friendship… - Annotated bibliography : rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California/M. S. Foster, Kinnetic Laboratories Inc. and United States. Minerals Management Service. Pacific OCS Region. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Kinnetic Laboratories, 1987
HOPKINS STACKS Z5322 .M3 A656 1987 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the six authors - An annotated species list of the benthic algae and invertebrates in the kelp forest community at Point Cabrillo, Pacific Grove, California/J. S. Pearse and L. F. Lowry Santa Cruz, Calif., Coastal Marine Laboratory, University of California,: 1974
HOPKINS STACKS QK569 .L2 P4 STKS Contributor - John Pearse, co-author - Applications of 31P-NMR spectroscopy for the assessment of sublethal toxicity in marine organisms/S. L. Shofer 1997
HOPKINS STACKS QH545 .W3 S56 1997A STKS Ph. D. Thesis (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "I would like to thank Dr. John Pearse, Dr. Thomas Schleich, and, Dr. Terry Williams.... for their helpful comments during the planning and execution of the work contained in this dissertation." - Asteroid predation in Monterey Bay/R.-M. Nakashima 1974
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .A8 N3 STKS Can't find in the stacks - Benthic illumination within a macrocystis bed at Pt. Soquel, Santa Cruz, California, and its influence upon macrocystis population structure and the abundance of benthic red algae/J. P. Thompson 1982
HOPKINS STACKS QK569 .L2 T5 1982 STKS Master of Science Thesis UC, Santa Cruz - Causes of spatial and temporal patterns in rocky intertidal communities of Central and Northern California/M. S. Foster, A. De Vogelaere, C. Harrold, Kinnetic Laboratories Inc., University of California Santa Cruz and Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. 1985
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 F675 1985 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the five authors - Causes of spatial and temporal patterns in rocky intertidal communities of Central and Northern California/M. S. Foster, A. De Vogelaere, C. Harrold, Kinnetic Laboratories Inc., University of California Santa Cruz and -. D. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. 1985
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 F675 1985 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the five authors - Causes of spatial and temporal patterns in rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California/M. S. Foster and United States. Minerals Management Service. Pacific OCS Region. Los Angeles, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 1986
HOPKINS STACKS QL164 .C38 1986 V.1 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QL164 .C38 1986 V.2 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the five authors Contributor - John Pearse listed among the five authors - Causes of spatial and temporal patterns in rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California/M. S. Foster and -. D. United States. Minerals Management Service. Pacific OCS Region. Los Angeles, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 1986
HOPKINS STACKS QL164 .C38 1986 V.1 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QL164 .C38 1986 V.2 STKS Contributor -John Pearse listed among the five authors Contributor - John Pearse listed among the five authors - Causes of spatial and temporal patterns of rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California/M. S. Foster San Francisco: California Academy of Sciences, 1988
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 C3 1988 STKS Contributor -John Pearse listed among the five authors Contributor - John Pearse listed among the five authors - Characterization and chemical ecology of an Indo-Pacific marine sponge/M. Sanders 1993
HOPKINS STACKS QL374.2 .S26 1993 STKS Masters of Science Thesis UC, Santa Cruz, (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: ..."I would like to thank my sponsor, Dr. John Pearse and committee members, Dr. Phil Crews and Dr. Bess Ward for their advise and support, particularly at the outset of my research."... - A comparative base-line study of the effects of water quality on coral reefs in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea : a senior thesis/M. S. Atkins and University of California Santa Cruz. Institute of Marine Sciences 1993
HOPKINS STACKS QH94.7 .A69 A85 1993 STKS Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor) Acknowledgements: Dear John…Again, I would like to thank you for the incredible effort you made in September 1991 to read and suggest improvements on my preliminary report. Those comments proved invaluable to me while rewriting this thesis. - Density, size structure, maturity, and reproduction in Pugettia richii, Mimulus foliatus, and Scyra acutifrons in the kelp forest at Hopkins Marine Station/C. R. Agegian 1976
HOPKINS STACKS QL444 .M33 A35 STKS Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor) No Acknowledgment - The distribution, abundance, diet, and fat accumulation patterns of sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus in the California current/E. W. Chu and K. T. Briggs 1982
HOPKINS STACKS QL696 .P665 C5 1982A STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: " I owe a very special thanks to Burney J. Le Beouf and John Pearse. The courses I took from themalmost fifteen years ago started my carrer in biology, and they have given me unfailing support and guidance ever since." - Early juvenile post-settlement growth and development in a valvatid asteroid, Asterina miniata (the bat star) with a preliminary examination of local adult populations/S. Erickson 1993
HOPKINS QL384 .A8 E75 1993 Ph.D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: I would especially like to thank my principal advisor John Pearse and his graduate student Larry Basch for originally taking me on as a volunteer researcher in the invertebrate lab….John Pearse, Mary Silver, and Glenn Van Blaricom were generous in providing comments on drafts of this thesis - Ecological benchmarks in the Santa Cruz County kelp forests before the re-establishment of sea otters : final report ... prepared for U.S. Marine Mammal Commission/M. C. Yellin, C. R. Agegian, J. S. Pearse and United States. Marine Mammal Commission. Santa Cruz: Center for Coastal Marine Studies, University of California, 1977
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .K4 Y4 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the three authors - Ecological studies of two temperate solitary corals/T. Gerrodette 1979
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .C7 G47 1979A STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC, San Diego (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: John S. Pearse, Committee Member - Ed Ricketts from Cannery Row to Sitka, Alaska : science, history, and reflections along the Pacific coast : a compilation of essays/J. M. Straley, K. A. Rodger, N. Ricketts, C. C. Mondor, C. M. Miner, D. P. Lohse, P. T. Raimondi, J. S. Pearse, J. Straley and M. Chapman Juneau, AK: Shorefast Editions, 2015
HOPKINS STACKS QL31 .R539 E35 2015 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the ten authors - The effects of flow regime on the morphology of the hydroid Bougainvillia muscus/K. J. Alt 2003
HOPKINS STACKS QL377 .H9 A48 2003A STKS Master of Science Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "My committee members, Rick Grosberg and John Pearse also provided very helpful advice and editing...John Pearse and Betsy Steele generously provided wet lab space for my research".... - The effects of sea otter (Enhydra lutris) foraging on shallow rocky communities off northwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia/J. C. Watson University of California, Santa Cruz, 1993., 1993
HOPKINS STACKS QL737 .C25 W38 1993 STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgement: "John Pearse has helped throughout the years, especially during the first somewhat overwhelming quarter I spent on campus. Discussions both with John and Vicki Pearse have provided me with many insights and ideas into the ecology and biology of kelp-forest organisms." - Electrophoretic discrimination of two limpet sibling species (Acmaeidae) and evolutionary implications of their ecological, geographic, and genetic relationships/P. G. Murphy University of California, Santa Cruz, 1983., 1983
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.5 .A26 M8 1983A STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "I thank John S. Pearse for his advice and many helpful discussions." - Encyclopedia of tidepools and rocky shores/M. W. Denny and S. D. Gaines Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 E53 2007 STKS Contributor - John Pearse among authors - Facilitation in the rocky intertidal and its effects on vertical zonation/M. D. Readdie 2004
HOPKINS STKS QH541.5 .S3 R423 2004A STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: I would like to thqnk Pete Raimondi, Mark Carr and John Pearse for serving on my dissertation committee… Thank you, John for your final intertidal ecology class in 1995 that set me on this path in marine biology and for your participation on my committee at the culmination of my intertidal work. - Feeding ecology of the asteroid Pisaster giganteus in a kelp forest system : prey selection, predator-prey interactions, and energetics/C. Harrold University of California, Santa Cruz, 1981., 1981
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .A8 H3 STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Anson Hines, David Phillips, Donald Potts, John Pearse and Vicki Pearse all critally reviewsd this thesis at various stages of its development, and their comments its quality and readability. - Field studies of Patiria miniata and Podarke pugettensis/M. Farris 1973
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .K4 F3 STKS Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor) - Growth and behavior of the owl limpet, Lottia gigantea : a field and laboratory study using time-lapse cinematography/M. E. Steele 1984
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.5 .A26 S73 1984 STKS Master of Science Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "I wish to thank John Pearse for sharing with me his love for biology, his vast knowledge, and his unique ability to encourage independent study." - Growth and environmental responsiveness in an invasive hydroid : Bougainvillia muscus/K. M. Eason 1995
HOPKINS STACKS QL377 .H9 E27 1995 STKS Master of Science Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: Thanks also to the other members of my committee, John Pearse and Don Potts, for their very helpful input in this process. - The initiation and early events of metamorphosis of sea urchins/R. A. Cameron 1975
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .E2 C36 1975 STKS Ph.D Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) No Acknowledgement Section - Intertidal and littoral ecosystems/A. C. Mathieson and P. H. Nienhuis Amsterdam ; New York: Elsevier, 1991
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 I58 1990 STKS Contribution: Chapter 10. Open Coast Intertidal and Shallow Subtidal Ecosystems of the Northeast Pacific M. S. Foster, A. P. De Vogelaere, J. S. Oliver, J. S. Pearae and C. Harrold - Intertidal plants and animals of the Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve, Monterey County, California/A. Ferguson and University of California Santa Cruz. Center for Coastal Marine Studies. Santa Cruz: Center for Marine Studies, University of California, 1984
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 I5 1984 STKS Contributor - John Pearse wrote the Forward and Afterward for the book - Intertidal transect studies of northern Monterey Bay/W. T. Doyle and J. S. Pearse [Place of publication not identified]: 1972
HOPKINS STACKS QH95.7 .D6 STKS Principal investigators: William T. Doyle and John S. Pearse - A kelp bed as a classroom : results of a 5-week study of kelp beds in the Monterey Bay Region/J. S. Pearse and Hopkins Marine Station [s.l.: s.n.], 1971
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S3 K4 STKS Principal investigator: John S. Pearse - Lepidochitona Gray, 1821 (Mollusca: Polyplacophora), from the Pacific Coast of the United States : systematics and reproduction/D. J. Eernesse 1984
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.1 .E37 1984A STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: My major professor, Dr. John S. Pearse, has always been a great friend, advisor and colleague - Life history, phylogeny and diversity of the Polychaeta, with emphasis on the Terebellidae/D. McHugh 1994
HOPKINS STACKS QL391 .A6 M34 1994 STKS Ph. D. Thesis (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) I would like to express special thanks to John Pearse, who gave me the advice, encouragement, and freedom I needed to do this research. - The Light and Smith manual : intertidal invertebrates from central California to Oregon/S. F. Light, J. T. Carlton, S. F. Light and R. I. Smith Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 2007
HOPKINS STACKS QL164 .L53 2007 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the authors John Pearse- contributor - Living invertebrates/V. Pearse Palo Alto, Calif. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Blackwell Scientific Publications ; Boxwood Press, 1987
HOPKINS STACKS QL362 .L58 1987 STKS Contributor-John Pearse listed among the four authors - Long-term monitoring of surfgrass meadows in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary : recovery followed by stability after the termination of a domestic sewage discharge/J. S. Pearse and United States. National Ocean Service. Office of National Marine Sanctuaries 2015
SUL INTERNET INTERNET RESOURCE SUL Principal investigator: John S. Pearse - Male territoriality and reproductive behavior in the stellar sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus/R. C. Gisiner 1985
HOPKINS STACKS QL737 .P63 G575 1985A STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) No mention of Pearse in the acknowledgements - Maternal behavior and attendance patterns of the stellar sea lion in California/L. V. Higgins 1984
HOPKINS STACKS QL737 .P63 H53 1984 STKS Masters of Science Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "Appreciation is extended to Drs. Ken Norris, John Pearse, and Dan Costa for reviewing the manuscript and offering helpful criticisms." - Metabolic rate and heart rate during trained dives in adult California sea lions/J. A. Hurley 1996
HOPKINS STACKS QL737 .P63 H87 1996A STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "Dr. James Harvey and Dr. John Pearse have guided and supported me as committee members, and their consistent kindness and friendship have provided comfort and confidence." - Mobility in juvenile Pollicipes polymerus (Thoracica, Cirripedia)/C. J. Woll 1997
HOPKINS STACKS QL444 .C58 W65 1997A STKS Master of Science Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse Advisor/Committee Member) No Acknowledgement Section - Phylogenetic implications of the comparative morphology of asteroid jaw frames (Asteroidea: Echinodermata)/E. Rempala-Kim 2001
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .A8 R46 2001 STKS M.A. San Francisco State University (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: I thank my thesis committee Rich Mooi, John Pearse, and Tom Niesen for their advice and assistance with my research. - Point Lobos Ecological Reserve Area of Special Biological Significance Reconnaissance Survey Report to the California Department of Fish and Game/G. V. Cazanjian 1978
HOPKINS SHELBYTITL XX(10773727.1) PERI Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz. (John Pearse - Advisor) - Population dynamics, colony growth, and budding of the ascidian Polyclinum planum/A. R. Holyoak 1992
HOPKINS STACKS QL613 .H65 1992 STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz - A quantitative examination and presentation of sub-tidal polychaete aggregations/C. A. Goebel and D. K. White 1974
HOPKINS STACKS QL391 .A6 G6 STKS Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz. (John Pearse - Advisor) - Red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, relative impacts of recreational fisheries and sea otter predation on the abundance, size frequency and microhabitat distribution of red abalone populations in Central and Northern California/S. Pollard University of California, Santa Cruz, 1992., 1992
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.5 .H34 P66 1992 STKS Master of Science Thesis UC Santa Cruz - Regional oil spill response plan : documenting coastal natural resources in Santa Cruz county : senior thesis and internship/T. Grupenhoff 1992
HOPKINS STACKS TD427 .P4 G78 1992 STKS Senior Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor) - Reproduction and development of shallow-water asteroids and an echinoid in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica/I. M. Bosch 1988
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .A8 B67 1988 STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgments: I am particularly indepted to my major professor, John S. Pearse, for encouragement, enthusiasm and direction throughout my graduate career, and for kindling my interest in larval biology. - The reproduction and population biology of Metridium (Coelenterata, Actiniaria)/A. C. Bucklin University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1980, 1980
HOPKINS STACKS QL377 .C7 B83 1980A STKS-MONO Ph. D. Thesis UC Berkeley Acknowledgements: "...Dr. John Pearse has provided much thoughtful advice on the direction and meaning of this study; stimulating conversations with him have influenced my thinking on many of the ideas I express here." - Reproduction of marine invertebrates/A. C. Giese, J. S. Pearse and V. Pearse New York,: Academic Press, 1974
HOPKINS STACKS QP251 .G437 V.1 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QP251 .G437 V.2 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QP251 .G437 V.3 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QP251 .G437 V.4 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QP251 .G437 V.5 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QP251 .G437 V.6 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QP251 .G437 V.9 STKS - Reproduction, larval biology, and recruitment of the deep-sea benthos/C. M. Young and K. J. Eckelbarger New York: Columbia University Press, 1994
HOPKINS STACKS QL125.5 .R47 1994 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the authors - The reproductive biology of the Corallimorpharian sea anemone, Corynactis californica/L. J. Holts 1989
HOPKINS STACKS QL377 .C7 H65 1989 STKS Master of Science UC, Santa Cruz - The reproductive biology of three species of corals from central California/Y. H. Fadlallah University of California, Santa Cruz, 1981., 1981
HOPKINS STACKS QL377 .C7 F3 1981A STKS Thesis (Ph D ) Ph. D. UC Santa Cruz ( John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "Neil Huling, Liz Dye and John Pearse made this endeavor possible." - The reproductive ecology of a brooding, hermaphroditic clam, Lasae subviridis/K. A. Beauchamp 1984
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.6 .B42 1984A STKS Master of Science UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgement: "I thank my major professor, Dr. John Pearse, for his support and advice throughout this study and for continually resting and reinforcing my independence." - Reproductive ecology of the temperate solitary coral balanophyllia elegans/C. A. Vaughan 2004
HOPKINS STACKS QL377 .C5 V28 2004A STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Committee Member) - The reproductive ecology of two closely related marine snails from central California, Lacuna marmorata and Lacuna unifasciata/K. M. Langan 1984
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.5 .L58 L36 1984 STKS Master of Science UC Santa Cruz - Reproductive periodicities in several contrasting populations of Odontaster validus Koehler, a common Antarctic asteroid/J. S. Pearse 1964
HOPKINS THESES 3781 S78 P THESIS - Santa Cruz Wastewater Facility Planning Study : oceanographic study reconnaissance phase report/Brown and Caldwell. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Brown and Caldwell, 1976
HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 B775 V.1 STKS HOPKINS INPROCESS QH105 .C2 B775 V.1 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 B775 V.4 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 B775 V.5 STKS - A scanning and transmission electron microscope study of the association between calcoblasts and growing microspines in regenerating spines of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus/H. A. Drager 1987
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .E2 D72 1987 STKS Ph. D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: I thank John Pearse and todd Newberry for a decade of rich associations: both of you have been a profound influence. Thank you both for your friendship and intellectual support. - The seasonal variation in the occurrence of the commensal polychaete Ophiodromus pugettensis (Johnson) on the batstar Patiria miniata (Brandt)/M. Farris San Francisco: San Francisco State University, 1977, 1977
HOPKINS STACKS QL391 .A6 F27 1977A STKS Master of Science Thesis San Francisco State University (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) - Sediment stresses, wave surge, and the distribution of benthic organisms in several nearshore communities on Monterey Bay, California/J. Thompson 1980
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .K4 T45 1980A STKS Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor) - Smithsonian at the poles : contributions to International Polar Year science/I. Krupnik, M. A. Lang, S. E. Miller, International Council for Science., World Meteorological Organization. and Smithsonian Institution. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2009
HOPKINS STACKS G587 .S65 2009 STKS - Some aspects of material dynamics and energy flow in a kelp forest in Monterey Bay, California/V. A. Gerard 1976
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .K4 G4 STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC Santa Cruz - Spatial orientation and biomagnetic responses of Katharina tunicata (mollusca: Polyplacophora), in Washington and in California/L. M. Gutierrez B 1994
HOPKINS STACKS QL430.13 .G88 1994 STKS Master of Science Thesis Western Washington University Acknowledgements: "I am grateful to Dr. John S. Pearse for reviewing a previous manuscript in chiton orientation, leading me to be the recipient of the Mark T. MacMillan Prize at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1991. This prize gave me the determination to continue my studies in Biomagnetism at a graduate level." - Spermatogenesis in the sea star Patiria miniata (Brandt, 1835) : studies employing histology, autoradiography, and organ culture/K. K. Davis 1982
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .A8 D38 1982 STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgement: THANK YOU! For Everything: John Pearse, Todd Newberry, Nick Holland, John Langbein, Sally Walker, Jane Miller Ann Davis, John Davis - Starfish : biology and ecology of the Asteroidea/J. M. Lawrence Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .A8 S73 2013 STKS Contributor - John Pearse listed among the authors - Structure and function of extragonadal tissues in relation to photoperiodic regulation of gametogenesis in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus/E. Bay-Schmith 1988
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .E2 B388 1988 STKS Ph.D. Thesis UC, Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor/Committee Member) Acknowledgements: I gratefullly acknowledge Dr. John S. Pearse, my advisor, for suggesting this project and providing invaluable advice through its completion. - Studies on the biology and carotenoid biochemistry of three species of the sea-star genus, Henricia/T. S. Hopkins 1967
HOPKINS STACKS QL384 .A8 H67 1967 STKS No acknowledgements section included - Study of the rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California : final report/Kinnetic Laboratories Inc., University of California Santa Cruz., Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. and TENERA Services Corporation. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Kinnetic Laboratories, 1992
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 S88 1992 V.1 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 S88 1992 V.2 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 S88 1992 V.3 STKS - Study of the rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California : year II/Kinnetic Laboratories Inc., University of California Santa Cruz, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories., TENERA Services Corporation. and United States. Minerals Management Service. Pacific OCS Region. Los Angeles, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 1988
HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1988 V.1 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1988 V.2 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1988 V.3 STKS - Study of the rocky intertidal communities of central and northern California : years III and IV/Kinnetic Laboratories Inc., University of California Santa Cruz, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, TENERA Services Corporation. and United States. Minerals Management Service. Pacific OCS Region. Los Angeles, Calif.: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, 1990
HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1990 V.1 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1990 V.2 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1990 V.3 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1990 V.4 STKS HOPKINS STACKS QH105 .C2 S78 1990 V.5 STKS - Temporal comparison of the intertidal biota of the Landels-Hill Big Creek Reserve and spatial comparison of the reserve with three other Central Californian sites: Oystercatcher Point, Carmel Point and Natural Bridges /C. Malone and M. Wilson 1994
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .S35 M35 1994 STKS Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Advisor) - Toward an understanding of the effects of sea otter foraging on kelp forest communities in central California : final report to U.S. Marine Mammal Commission in fulfillment of contract MM7AC023/M. S. Foster Moss Landing, Calif.: Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 1979
HOPKINS STACKS QH541.5 .K4 T6 STKS Technical Report Acknowledgement: "and John Pearse made many useful suggestions on the field work, and also provided helpful comments on a draft of the report." - Underwater observations of sea otter foraging behavior/F. Mackey 1982
HOPKINS STACKS QL737 .C25 M25 1982 STKS Senior Thesis UC Santa Cruz (John Pearse - Committee Member) Acknowledgements: "and John Pearse provided invaluable guidance and academic support." - Wind and current data, June 1976 - January 1977 : Santa Cruz wastewater facility planning study/Brown and Caldwell. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Brown and Caldwell, 1977